Welcome all Visitors and New-comers!
St. John Neumann’s praying community was established in 1977. Many have discovered the power of God working through its prayer and the powerful intercession of our patron saint, Saint John Neumann. Whether you are visiting near-by or new to our community, please know that you are always welcome here at St. John Neumann.
Please feel free to join us in prayer at the Eucharistic celebrations on the weekend or throughout the week. Our chapel is also available for your prayer during the day. As you continue your journey of faith, may God’s peace be with you.
Frequently Requested Links
- Saints Joseph and John School
- Parish School of Religion
- Learn more about the Sacraments
Want to become Catholic?
If you or someone you know would like to inquire about the Catholic Church whether you are baptized in another tradition or not, please do not hesitate to call and find out how you can discover a closer relationship to God and become part of the Catholic community of faith through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).
Here are comments from two new Catholics who did.
I came to RCIA seeking a new religion. I certainly found the Catholic faith so very satisfying but more than a new religion I found a relationship with God I was not expecting. I have begun to know Him in prayer and in every corner of my life. . . My life will never be the same.
–A New CatholicFor me this has been a wonderful journey. I would recommend this to anyone that is feeling lost or not sure where the road of life is leading them.
–A New Catholic
Sessions are on Thursdays at 7:00pm (September – April)
For more information and to answer your questions, call Deacon Ken @ 440-238-1770.
Been away? Want to Return? Welcome back!
St. John Neumann Praying Community strongly believes in the Body and Blood of Jesus and Reconciliation. We realize that for one reason or another you may have been away from the Roman Catholic Church. Please know that you have a welcoming ‘home’ here at St. John Neumann and we are always willing to meet with you to discuss any hurts from the church or for whatever reason you may have found yourself away from the church.
Each of our life’s journey is unique, filled with challenges, joys, sorrows, failings and beginning anew. For whatever reason you have been away, know that our God is a merciful God and welcomes you as you are. We are not good because we go to church – we are good because God loves us and forgives us. We encourage you not to allow any individual or structure in the church to come between you and the God who loves you and calls you to sharing in the fullness of his mercy and love.
Please call us if you desire to return to the practice of your Catholic faith and the sacraments – we are here to help you. Nothing is impossible for God and no situation, no matter how complex, is too difficult. No matter how long you have been away or where you are in your relationship with God you are more than welcome to contact any member of our staff (440-238-1770).
Besides our Monday, Friday (5:15-6:00pm) and Saturday confession schedule (9:00am-10:00am) any of the priests are available for reconciliation if there is a better time for you. The sacrament of reconciliation is also available in any Catholic Church.
If you have been divorced and remarried, let us help you through the healing process for that. Again feel free to contact us at 440-238-1770.
Pope Francis said it so beautifully:
“I would like to tell all those who feel far from God and the church – and I say this respectfully to those who are afraid or indifferent. The Lord calls you and wants you to be part of his people and does so with great respect and love! The Lord doesn’t proselytize, he gives love and this love looks for you, waits for you…..This is the love of God.”
Pope Francis, January 8, 2014