Life TeenYouth Ministry and Religious Education for Teens

Beginning on November 1, 1992 SJN has used the Life Teen model of Youth Ministry. Life Teen is a comprehensive youth ministry program with a strong focus on th Eucharist.  This program strives to create an environment through which teens will come to grow deeper in their relationship with Christ and the Catholic Church.  It speaks to teens on all levels:  emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual.  Through fun, high energy community building activities, dynamic presentations, small group discussion, the Sacraments and prayer, LIFE TEEN is designed to meet each and every teen where they are at, providing opportunities for growth and challenging them to live out their faith as they go on with their daily lives.

Life Teen Mass is celebrated at 5 p.m. on Sundays from September – May. All are welcome (not just teens!) to participate in a vibrant and engaging celebration of Eucharist.  Music ministry is provided by a dedicated and very talented contemporary Christian band. Teens have the opportunity to serve in various liturgical ministries.

  • Following the 5 o’clock Life Teen mass from September to May teens are invited to the Life Night in the Gathering Room.
  • Teens are served a dinner before the life night provided by parents and other parishioners. If you are interested and wanting to help provide a dinner or something for a Life Night.
  • Life Nights are an engaging opportunity for teens to grow deeper in their faith and discuss how the teachings of Jesus apply to their lives. Life Night vary each week from catechetical, social, and issue nights.
  • Teens grow as a faith community through sharing with each other the joys and struggles of striving to live out their Catholic faith in today’s culture.
  • Through a 4-year curriculum, which follows the U.S. Bishops’ guidelines, SJN Life Teen provides a standard that is High School level religious education.
  • Trained adult Core Members lead teens closer to Christ as they share their faith with teens and serve as small group leaders. They mentor and pray constantly for our teens. If you are interested in wanting to learn more about Core or thinking about joining Core we want you!
  • SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES are offered throughout the year.

Summer Opportunities and Events

  • CAMP COVECREST:  Covecrest is more than a retreat center and summer camp.  Covecrest is a community of Catholics committed to transforming teens, transforming parishes, and transforming culture.  At Covecrest you will deepen your faith from talks, skits, low & high rope courses, white water rafting, reconciliation, mass, meeting new friends and more.
  • STEUBENVILLE CONFERENCE:  The Steubenville Youth Conference is a weekend long Catholic youth conference complete with awesome music, dynamic speakers, fun entertainment, small groups, Eucharistic Adoration, and more.  The conference is held at Franciscan University.  Over 3,000 youth from across the diocese and country attend this conference, all seeking to grow closer to Christ and build new friendships along the way.  Whether you take your faith seriously or you have lots of unanswered questions, this weekend is a great way to dive in and be challenged.
  • TEEN TUESDAYS, Teen Tuesdays are evenings geared to socializing, playing games, and having fun with other teens from Life Teen.

ALL HIGH SCHOOL TEENS are welcome to St. John Neumann Life Teen and may join anytime throughout the year by simply showing up at a Life Night. Please contact our Ann Marie Ong at 440-238-1770 or at her email for further information.